In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *
from numpy import random
from numpy import fft
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
from matplotlib import gridspec

Introduction to Pulsar Timing

Matteo Bachetti

Buried Clock

(These slides are obtained from the iPython notebook that can be found here)


  • Finding pulsars: the buried clock

  • Frequency analysis: the Fourier Transform and the Power Density Spectrum

  • Refine the search: Folding search (+ $Z^2_n$, $H$-test, ...)

  • Getting pulse arrival times

Finding pulsars: the buried clock

Buried Clock

Finding pulsars: the buried clock

  • Pulsars are stable rotators: very predictable "clocks"


Finding pulsars: the buried clock

  • Pulsars are stable rotators: very predictable "clocks"

  • Often signal buried in noise (below: a 0.853-Hz sinusoidal pulse buried in noise ~30 times stronger)

In [2]:
def pulsar(time, period=1):
    return (1 + sin(2 * pi / period * time)) / 2.

time_bin = 0.009

# --- Parameters ----
period = 0.8532
pulsar_amp = 0.5
pulsar_stdev = 0.05
noise_amp = 15
noise_stdev = 1.5
# --------------------

# refer to the center of the time bin
time = arange(0, 100, time_bin) + time_bin / 2

signal = random.normal(pulsar_amp * pulsar(time, period), pulsar_stdev)
plot(time, signal, 'r-', label='signal')
noise = random.normal(noise_amp, noise_stdev, len(time))
total = signal + noise
plot(time, noise, 'b-', label='noise')
plot(time, total, 'k-', label='total')
xlim(0, 30)
a = legend()

Frequency analysis: the Fourier Transform

Through the Fourier transform, we can decompose a function of time into a series of functions of frequency:

\begin{equation} \mathcal{F}(\omega) = \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} e^{-i\omega t} f(t) \end{equation}

or, more appropriate to our case, in the discrete form, we can decompose a time series into a frequency series:

\begin{equation} F_k = \sum^{N-1}_{k=0} e^{-2\pi i k n/N} t_n \end{equation}

it is, in general, a complex function.

The Fourier transform of a sinusoid will give a high (in absolute terms) value of the $F_k$ corresponding to the frequency of the sinusoid. Other periodic functions will produce high contribution at the fundamental frequency plus one or more multiples of the fundamental, called harmonics.

Our example

Let's take the Fourier transform of the signal we simulated above (only taking positive frequencies)

In [3]:
ft = fft.fft(total)
freqs = fft.fftfreq(len(total), time[1] - time[0])
good = freqs >0
freqs = freqs[good]
ft = ft[good]
plot(freqs, ft.real, 'r-', label='real')
plot(freqs, ft.imag, 'b-', label='imag')
xlim([-0.1, 10])
a = legend()
_ = xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
_ = ylabel('FT')

Note that the imaginary part and real part of the Fourier transform have different contributions at the pulsar frequency (1/0.85 s ~ 1.2 Hz). This is because they depend strongly on the phase of the signal [Exercise: why?].

Our example - 2

If we applied a shift of 240 ms (just any value) to the signal:

In [4]:
shift = 0.240
signal_shift = roll(total, int(shift / time_bin))
ft_shift = fft.fft(signal_shift)
freqs_shift = fft.fftfreq(len(total), time[1] - time[0])
good = freqs_shift >0
freqs_shift = freqs_shift[good]
ft_shift = ft_shift[good]
plot(freqs_shift, ft_shift.real, 'r-', label='real')
plot(freqs_shift, ft_shift.imag, 'b-', label='imag')
xlim([-0.1, 10])
a = legend()
_ = xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
_ = ylabel('FT')

we would clearly have non-zero values at ~0.85 Hz both in the real and the imaginary parts.

The Power Density Spectrum

To solve these issues with real and imaginary parts, we can instead take the modulus of the Fourier transform. This is called Power Spectrum

\begin{equation} \mathcal{P}(\omega) = \mathcal{F}(\omega) \cdot \mathcal{F}^*(\omega) \end{equation}

this function is positive-definite and in our case results in a clear peak at the pulse frequency, consistent between original and shifted signal:

In [5]:
pds = absolute(ft)
pds_shift = absolute(ft_shift)

plot(freqs, pds, 'r-', label='PDS of signal')
plot(freqs_shift, pds_shift, 'b-', label='PDS of shifted signal')
a = legend()
a = xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
a = ylabel('PDS')
fmax = freqs[argmax(pds)]
pmax = 1 / fmax
xlim([-0.1, 3.5])
_ = gca().annotate('max = {:.2f} s ({:.2f} Hz)'.format(pmax, fmax), xy=(2., max(pds) / 2))

The Power Density Spectrum -2

The PDS of a generic non-sinusoidal pulse profile will, in general, contain more than one harmonic, with the fundamental not always predominant.

In [6]:
def gaussian_periodic(x, x0, amp, width):
    '''Approximates a Gaussian periodic function by summing the contributions in the phase
    range 0--1 with those in the phase range -1--0 and 1--2'''
    phase = x - floor(x)
    lc = zeros_like(x)
    for shift in [-1, 0, 1]:
        lc += amp * exp(-(phase + shift - x0)**2 / width ** 2)
    return lc

def generate_profile(time, period):
    '''Simulate a given profile with 1-3 Gaussian components'''
    total_phase = time / period
    ngauss = random.randint(1, 3)
    lc = np.zeros_like(total_phase)
    for i in range(ngauss):
        ph0 = random.uniform(0, 1)
        amp = random.uniform(0.1, 1)
        width = random.uniform(0.01, 0.2)
        lc += gaussian_periodic(total_phase, ph0, amp, width)
    return lc

ncols = 2
nrows = 3
fig = figure(figsize=(12, 8))
fig.suptitle('Profiles and their PDSs')

gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows, ncols)
for c in range(ncols):
    for r in range(nrows):
        lc = generate_profile(time, period)
        lc_noisy = random.normal(2 * lc, 0.2) + noise
        gs_2 = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(1, 2, subplot_spec=gs[r, c])
        ax = subplot(gs_2[0])
        good = time < period * 3
        ax.plot(time[good] / period, lc[good])
        lcft = fft.fft(lc_noisy)
        lcfreq = fft.fftfreq(len(lc_noisy), time[1] - time[0])
        lcpds = np.absolute(lcft) ** 2 
        ax = subplot(gs_2[1])
        ax.plot(lcfreq[lcfreq > 0], lcpds[lcfreq > 0] / max(lcpds[lcfreq > 0]))
        ax.set_xlim([0, 10])


Epoch folding

Epoch folding consists of summing equal, one pulse period-long, chunks of data. If the period is just right, the crests will sum up in phase, gaining signal over noise [Exercise: how much will we gain by summing up in phase $N$ chunks of data at the right period?].

In [7]:
def epoch_folding(time, signal, period, nperiods=3, nbin=16):
    # The phase of the pulse is always between 0 and 1.
    phase = time / period
    phase -= phase.astype(int)
    # First histogram: divide phase range in nbin bins, and count how many signal bins
    # fall in each histogram bin. The sum is weighted by the value of the signal at 
    # each phase
    prof_raw, bins = histogram(phase, bins=linspace(0, 1, nbin + 1),
    # "Exposure": how many signal bins have been summed in each histogram bin
    expo, bins = histogram(phase, bins=linspace(0, 1, nbin + 1))
    # ---- Evaluate errors -------
    prof_sq, bins = histogram(phase, bins=linspace(0, 1, nbin + 1),
                              weights=signal ** 2)
    # Variance of histogram bin: "Mean of squares minus square of mean" X N
    hist_var = (prof_sq / expo - (prof_raw / expo) ** 2) * expo
    # Then, take square root -> Stdev, then normalize / N. 
    prof_err = sqrt(hist_var)
    # Normalize by exposure
    prof = prof_raw / expo
    prof_err = prof_err / expo
    # histogram returns all bin edges, including last one. Here we take the
    # center of each bin.
    phase_bins = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]) / 2
    # ---- Return the same pattern 'nperiods' times, for visual purposes -----
    final_prof = array([])
    final_phase = array([])
    final_prof_err = array([])
    for n in range(nperiods):
        final_prof = append(final_prof, prof)
        final_phase = append(final_phase, phase_bins + n)
        final_prof_err = append(final_prof_err, prof_err)
    # ---------------------------
    return final_phase, final_prof, final_prof_err

phase, profile, profile_err = epoch_folding(time, total, period)
phase_shift, profile_shift, profile_shift_err = epoch_folding(time, signal_shift, period)

errorbar(phase, profile, yerr=profile_err, drawstyle='steps-mid', label='Signal')
errorbar(phase_shift, profile_shift, yerr=profile_shift_err, drawstyle='steps-mid', label='Shifted signal')

_ = legend()
_ = xlabel('Phase')
_ = ylabel('Counts/bin')

Epoch folding search

Now, let's run epoch folding at a number of trial periods around the pulse period. To evaluate how much a given profile "looks pulsar-y", we can use the $\chi^2$ statistics, as follows:

\begin{equation} \mathcal{S} = \sum_{i=0}^N \frac{(p_i - \bar{p})^2}{\sigma_p^2} \end{equation}

and show the peak at the right period$^1$. [Exercise: do you know what statistics this is? And why does that statistics work for our case? Exercise-2: Note the very large number of trials. Can we optimize the search so that we use less trials without losing sensitivity?]

$^1$ 1. Leahy, D. A. et al. On searches for pulsed emission with application to four globular cluster X-ray sources - NGC 1851, 6441, 6624, and 6712. ApJ 266, 160 (1983).

In [8]:
def pulse_profile_stat(profile, profile_err):
    return sum((profile - mean(profile)) ** 2 / profile_err ** 2)

trial_periods = arange(0.7, 1.0, 0.0002)
stats = zeros_like(trial_periods)
for i, p in enumerate(trial_periods):
    phase, profile, profile_err = epoch_folding(time, total, p)
    stats[i] = pulse_profile_stat(profile, profile_err)

bestp = trial_periods[argmax(stats)]

fig = figure(figsize=(10, 3))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2)
ax = subplot(gs[0])
ax.plot(trial_periods, stats)
ax.set_xlim([0.7, 1])
ax.set_xlabel('Period (s)')
ax.axvline(period, color='r', label="True value")
_ = ax.legend()
ax.annotate('max = {:.5f} s'.format(pmax), xy=(.9, max(stats) / 2))

ax2 = subplot(gs[1])
phase_search, profile_search, profile_search_err = epoch_folding(time, total, bestp)
phase, profile, profile_err = epoch_folding(time, total, period)

ax2.errorbar(phase_search, profile_search, yerr=profile_search_err, drawstyle='steps-mid', label='Search')
ax2.errorbar(phase, profile, yerr=profile_err, drawstyle='steps-mid', label='True period')

_ = ax2.legend()

Times of arrival (TOA)

To calculate the time of arrival of the pulses, we need to:

  • Choose what part of the pulse is the reference (e.g., the maximum). Once we know that, if $\phi_{max}$ is the phase of the maximum of the pulse, $t_{start}$ the time at the start of the folded light curve, and $p$ is the folding period,

$TOA = t_{start} + \phi_{max} \cdot p$

  • Choose a method to calculate the TOA:

    • The maximum bin?

    • The phase of a sinusoidal fit?

    • The phase of a more complicated fit?

Hereafter, we are going to use the maximum of the pulse as a reference, and we will calculate the TOA with the three methods above.

TOA from the maximum bin


  • Very fast and easy to implement


  • Very rough (maximum precision, the width of the bin)

  • Very uncertain (if statistics is low and/or the pulse is broad, many close-by bins can randomly be the maximum)

In [9]:
phase_bin = 1 / 32.
ph = arange(phase_bin / 2, phase_bin / 2 + 1, phase_bin)
shape = sin(2 * pi * ph) + 2
pr_1 = random.poisson(shape * 10000) / 10000
pr_2 = random.poisson(shape * 10) / 10

plot(ph, shape, label='Theoretical shape', color='k')
plot(ph, pr_1, drawstyle='steps-mid', color='r', label='Shape - good stat')
plot(ph, pr_2, drawstyle='steps-mid', color='b', label='Shape - bad stat')
axvline(0.25, ls=':', color='k', lw=2, label='Real maximum')
axvline(ph[argmax(pr_1)], ls='--', color='r', lw=2, label='Maximum - good stat')
axvline(ph[argmax(pr_2)], ls='--', color='b', lw=2, label='Maximum - bad stat')

_ = legend()

TOA from single sinusoidal fit


  • Relatively easy task (fitting with a sinusoid)

  • Errors are well determined provided that the pulse is broad


  • If profile is not sinusoidal, might not be well determined

Below, the phase of the pulse is always 0.25

In [10]:
def sinusoid(phase, phase0, amplitude, offset):
    return offset + cos(2 * pi * (phase - phase0))

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

fig = figure(figsize=(12, 3))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 4)
ax1 = subplot(gs[0])

# Fit sinusoid to theoretical shape
par, pcov = curve_fit(sinusoid, ph, shape)
ax1.plot(ph, sinusoid(ph, *par))
ax1.plot(ph, shape)
par[0] -= floor(par[0])
ax1.annotate('phase = {:.2f}'.format(par[0]), xy=(.5, .3))
ax1.set_ylim([0, 4])

# Fit to good-stat line
ax2 = subplot(gs[1])
ax2.set_title('Sinusoidal, good stat')

par, pcov = curve_fit(sinusoid, ph, pr_1)
ax2.plot(ph, sinusoid(ph, *par))
ax2.plot(ph, pr_1)
par[0] -= floor(par[0])
ax2.annotate('phase = {:.2f}'.format(par[0]), xy=(.5, .3))
ax2.set_ylim([0, 4])

# Fit to bad-stat line
ax3 = subplot(gs[2])
ax3.set_title('Sinusoidal, noisy')

par, pcov = curve_fit(sinusoid, ph, pr_2)
ax3.plot(ph, sinusoid(ph, *par))
ax3.plot(ph, pr_2, drawstyle='steps-mid')
par[0] -= floor(par[0])
ax3.annotate('phase = {:.2f}'.format(par[0]), xy=(.5, .3))
ax3.set_ylim([0, 4])

# Now try with a complicated profile (a double Gaussian)
ax4 = subplot(gs[3])
ax4.set_title('Complicated profile')
pr_3_clean = 0.3 + exp(- (ph - 0.25) ** 2 / 0.001) + 0.5 * exp(- (ph - 0.75) ** 2 / 0.01)
pr_3 = random.poisson(pr_3_clean * 100) / 50
# Let us normalize the template with the same factor (100 / 50) of the randomized one. It will be helpful later
pr_3_clean *= 2

par, pcov = curve_fit(sinusoid, ph, pr_3, maxfev=10000)
ax4.plot(ph, sinusoid(ph, *par), label='Fit')
ax4.plot(ph, pr_3, drawstyle='steps-mid', label='Noisy profile')
ax4.plot(ph, pr_3_clean, label='Real profile')

par[0] -= floor(par[0])
ax4.annotate('phase = {:.2f}'.format(par[0]), xy=(.5, .3))
ax4.set_ylim([0, 4])
_ = ax4.legend()

TOA from non-sinusoidal fit: multiple harmonic fitting

Multiple harmonic fitting$^1$ (the profile is described by a sum of sinusoids) is just an extension of the single-harmonic fit by adding additional sinusoidal components at multiple frequencies.


  • Still conceptually easy, but more robust and reliable


  • The phase is not determined by the fit (in general, it isn't he phase of any of the sinusoids [Exercise: why?]) and needs to be determined from the maximum of the profile. Errors are not straightforward to implement.

$^1$e.g. Riggio, A. et al. Timing of the accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J17511-3057. A&A 526, 95 (2011).

TOA from non-sinusoidal fit: Template pulse shapes

  • Straightforward fit of a template (Tricky because of periodicity -> discarded)

  • Cross-correlation of template pulse shape

  • Fourier-domain fitting (FFTFIT)$^1$ -> the usual choice. Consists of taking the Fourier transform of the profile $\mathcal{P}$ and of the template $\mathcal{T}$ and minimizing the following objective function (similar to $\chi^2$): \begin{equation} F = \sum_k \frac{|\mathcal{P}_k - a\mathcal{T}_k e^{-2\pi i k\phi}|^2}{\sigma^2} \end{equation}


  • Much more robust and reliable

  • Errors well determined whatever the pulse shape


  • Relatively trickier to implement

  • Needs good template pulse profile

$^1$Taylor, J. H. Pulsar Timing and Relativistic Gravity. Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering 341, 117–134 (1992).

In [11]:
def fftfit_fun(profile, template, amplitude, phase):
    '''Objective function to be minimized - \'a la Taylor (1992).'''
    prof_ft = fft.fft(profile)
    temp_ft = fft.fft(template)
    freq = fft.fftfreq(len(profile))
    good = freq > 0
    idx = arange(0, len(prof_ft), dtype=int)
    sigma = std(prof_ft[good])
    return sum(absolute(prof_ft - temp_ft*amplitude*exp(-2*pi*1.0j*idx*phase))**2 / sigma)

def obj_fun(pars, data):
    '''Wrap parameters and input data up in order to be used with minimization
    amplitude, phase = pars
    profile, template = data
    return fftfit_fun(profile, template, amplitude, phase)

# Produce 16 realizations of pr_3, at different amplitudes and phases, and reconstruct the phase
from scipy.optimize import fmin, basinhopping
fig = figure(figsize=(10, 10))
fig.suptitle('FFTfit results')
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 4)
amp0 = 1
phase0 = 0
p0 = [amp0, phase0]
for i in range(16):
    col = i % 4
    row = i // 4
    factor = 10 ** random.uniform(1, 3)
    pr_orig = random.poisson(pr_3_clean * factor)
    roll_len = random.randint(0, len(pr_orig) - 1)
    pr = roll(pr_orig, roll_len)

#    # Using generic minimization algorithms is faster, but local minima can be a problem
#    res = fmin(obj_fun, p0, args=([pr, pr_3_clean],), disp=False, full_output=True)
#    amplitude_res, phase_res = res[0]

    # The basinhopping algorithm is very slow but very effective in finding 
    # the global minimum of functions with local minima.
    res = basinhopping(obj_fun, p0, minimizer_kwargs={'args':([pr, pr_3_clean],)})
    amplitude_res, phase_res = res.x
    phase_res -= floor(phase_res)

    ax = subplot(gs[row, col])
    ax.plot(ph, pr, 'k-')

    newphase = ph + phase_res
    newphase -= floor(newphase)
    # Sort arguments of phase so that they are ordered in plot
    # (avoids ugly lines traversing the plot)
    order = argsort(newphase)
    ax.plot(newphase[order], amplitude_res * pr_3_clean[order], 'r-')